jueves, 28 de junio de 2007

Cielo parcialmente despejado

I saw Water today, and fell in love with it. I really can't praise it enough - it manages to be hopeful yet painful, beautiful and serene and shocking. The ending, while it sad (it honestly made me cry a bit), was just perfect. It's about the long-lasting tradition in India that widows may choose one from three destinies: either being burnt alive next to their husband's bodies, marrying their husband's younger brother or spending the rest of their lives mourning for them in poverty. Chuyia is a seven-year-old girl that is married to sick man only for him to die the next day. The young girl soon stirs the melancholy-saddled widow house. Really, folks, do see it, this movie was just gorgeous, and along the wonderful story, the vibrant and colorful cinematography and the music are worth the ticket alone.

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