sábado, 7 de julio de 2007

Lluvia ligera después de una tormenta con delirious de diluvio

I watched Ocean's 13 on Thursday, and then watched it again today with my family this time around, lol. In short, it was pretty fantastic - not as charming as the 1st one, but loooots better than the 2nd one. It felt a bit... bare, music-wise, but the 60's styled photograhy made up for it, the same as the characters (oh, but Danny and Rusty are just incredible together, always have been). The twist at the end wasn't as impressive as the one in O11, but sooo much better than the crazy stunt they pulled in O12. Er, not everything is like that here in Mexico, though, promise. (ah, but why do they really have to show the worst of every country in movies?)

And on Friday I watched Ratatouille, and oh my, but what an enchanting movie! It made me smile so much. Brad Bird, man, Disney better keep him. Anyway, lovely animation, and Remy was OMG SO CUTE. Really, imagine that with the candor of a prepubescent twelve-year-old voice and draw hearts and rainbows and unicorns around it and you'll get the way that gorgeous rat makes one feel. Granted, I'm a clean-freak, so there was still that edge, of 'OMG HE'S TOUCHING THE FOOD WITH ALL HIS GERMS, OMG' but mostly, I lauged and giggled and cooed at Remy and made incoherent noises. It's that good. Not a masterpiece, certainly, but quite a success. BUT! I'd only have a meager slice of bread and nutella for breakfast that day, and I swear (and my mom can bear witness), my stomach was doing an awful lot of noise. I came out of there so, so hungry. But so happy.

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