sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Cielo a medio nublar

Háblame de Lluvia

Pencil on paper, colors in photoshop, handlettering with markers.


I've been on a quest to learn photoshop coloring as of lately, so I've been using mostly that. It takes forever, but I like how bright colors you can get (which is why I liked acrilics in the first place). Anyway, I liked the finished product, even if figuring out composition/background took ages.

And a variant, just because I can.

Pencil on paper, colors in photoshop.

Part of a larger series I someday hope to finish, whenever I get the skills for it. I've always been sort of amazed by the little movements or gestures we make every day and take for granted, I've always wanted to be able to capture that.

Pencil on paper, colors in photoshop.


Drawn during class. I really wanted to try out with outlines the same color as the filling, but I sort of feel it makes this look muted. Oh well.

Him & Her
Chinese ink on bond paper, colors in photoshop.


Drew this a while ago and then forgot to post, the guy was sort of based on another drawing I did around february. Really, it was an excuse to draw antlers.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Cielo nublado con probabilidades de lluvia

Chinese ink on bond paper, colors in Photoshop.
25x18 cms


Made for this week's theme over at Illustration Friday, which was Welcome. It's been a long, long time since I've done anything for IF, but I had the time and, apparently, the motivation today. Huh.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

Cielo blanco

Mmm, cake
Blue ink on bond paper


I made a very similar drawing for a friend's birthday card (obviously saying happy birthday at the top, lol) but didn't have time to snap a picture, so I decided to try and draw it again before I forgot how it was. This one looks even better, honestly.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Cielo medio despejadito: Redux

Don't Adjust Your TV Just Yet. (Dizque)
pencil, illustrator and photoshop


The sketch I made for drawing class in pencil, and then due to a lack of scanner tok a picture and vectorized before adding effects in photoshop. Based on a photo I once took of a cousin of mine - it looks nothing like him, but I really liked the energy in the sketch, which was lost completely in the painting I actually submited for class.

cielo medio despejadillo

Pencil and acrylics
A3 size


One of the paintings for my Drawing class, the theme of my individual project was 'contrast'. I braved the cold and went out for walks to draw buildings that caught my fancy, and then added the colors depending on that day's color of the sky.

Cardboard collage, acrylics, ink and sugar
A3 size


Another painting for class, basically I just wanted to do mixed media, and do something ornamental and over the top. The final touch was spreading white glue and then just throwing sugar at it and hoping it would stick. It did, and now the painting shines when the light hits it, and looks wonderfully texturized.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Cielo nubladillo, despues de una semana de cielo increiblemente azul, tan raro en inglaterra

After ages of wanting one, I bought a moleskin sketchbook in Dublin last week, and while there are two sketches previous to this one, this is the first I truly liked. Drawn in a park with the sun shining down on me, and with pigeons walking around.

Birdy Pouf
Pencils and acrylics

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

Nublado nubladisimo, como buen cielo Inglés

Long time no see! I'm studying abroad in England at the moment, and in between traveling and school I've been rather uninspired, but hopefully I'll get better soon. Still, I'm taking a drawing class, and this was one of my assignments:

Ceci n'est past un collage
Acrylics over Cartridge paper
A3 size


Crappy photo is crappy 'cause I don't have easy access to a scanner right now. And yes, I just joined two A4 sheets, I'm too cheap to actually get an A3 sketchbook, lol.