viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

Cielo lluvioso

This is me, today. Feeling horrible about myself and worse, deserving it completely.

My entry for this week's Illustration Friday, the theme is The Blues. Pretty fucking fitting, I'd say.

Cheap watercolors on cheap paper because the only paper I had with me at school was bond and I was feeling too shitty and too lazy to redo it in watercolor paper.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2007

Cielo lluvioso

And this, kids, is why teenagers should be forbidden from marrying.

My entry for this week's Illustration Friday. The them was Weddings. Just a lazy doodle, but oh well, I've really been busy.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2007

Cielo lluvioso

Well, I finally got to see Stardust and my, but it was wonderful. Let's get the only bad thing out first, shall I? IT WAS IN SPANISH. NO ONE TOLD ME IT'D BE IN SPANISH. I HATE HATE HATE DUBBED MOVIES. So yeah. It was so good that I stopped focusing in my hatred for dubbing pretty soon, though, and I guess I now have an excuse to go see it again XD

Anyway, I loved it. I caught on to this fact when I caught myself grinning ideotically through every. single. scene. in the movie, lol. The Tristan/Yvaine relationship was really well treated, and they had so much chemistry and spark; Lamia was wicked and Captain Shakespeare made me laugh insanely. Also, the photography was real pretty, even if the music was a bit repetitive. I'm also really okay with the changes they made from the book - the only thing that rings untrue is that 'one week' deadline, but everything else? Really well made, and anyway, the book's ending was always somewhat plain, and it just made sense for the producers to spice it up for the silver screen. I didn't think it'd be that funny, though! That was a nice surprise, 'cause I honestly laughed and laughed at both the Captain's (hilarious) and princes' storylines. :) In short, I loved it to bits and so did everyone else in the theatre, it seemed.

And today I went to see The Bourne Ultimatum and, of course, it rocked my socks off. BUT. Y'ALL FAIL. WHY DID NO ONE TOLD ME DANIEL BRÜHL WAS IN IT? (ALL THREE MINUTES OF IT, WHATEVS.) In any case, it was much better than the second one and pretty on par with the first one, I'd say. I liked the development on Julia Stiles character, if I gotta be honest, and as always, Jason Bourne is souch an easy character to empathyze with, which is difficult considering who he is. Anyway, me ♥ spy stories, so of course I dig these movies. I still missed Franka Potente's character, though, she was cool. ;__; I'm considering reading the books.

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2007

Lluvia ligera

I went to the movies with my dad and we saw Paris, je t'aime and oh wow, it was so lovely. It truly is the mark of a good director/writer when they get the audience to empathize and understand the characters when they only have about five minutes onscreen. I only wish there'd be some marking as to who was directing which part, but my wikipedia-fu is nothing but fierce so now I can say which were my favorite segments:

The best one, in my eyes, was the one directed by Tom Tykwer (director of Run Lola Run, and it all fits now), the one with Natalie Portman - it was absolutely stunning and beautiful. The second best was the one directed by Isabel Coixet, about a man torn between staying with his sick wife or running away with his mistress. It was just lovely and so well shot - it reminded me of Amelie somehow, probably because of the narrator. I laughed the hardest with the one directed by Alexander Payne, the one about a tourist from the US talking about her love for Paris. My dad must have burst something laughing, he says he sounded just the same when he was backpacking through Paris, haha. (but he was with friends and was twenty something and sent passionate and wacky love letters to my mom, so he wasn't that pathetic, I guess)

The one with Elijah Wood made me laugh in all its B-series-ness and I went OMG IS THAT GASPARD ULLIEL, IS IT? IT IS OMG, AND HE'S TELLING ANOTHER DUDE THAT HE MUST BE HIS SOUL MATE OMG OMG. lol. I liked the one-shot format in Alfonso Cuarón's segment, and the mime one was so funny. In all, I really loved this movie, to capture such a different range of emotions with such different characters was definitely a task, and now I really, really want to go to Paris again.