martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

Cielo despejado

I did watch The Last King of Scotland yesterday, and was blown away by it. It was optimistic and colorful at times, and raw and painful and powerful at others, particularly at the last half. As everyone, I was floored by the acting, which were superb. Forrest Whitaker deserved his oscar, no doubt (what a stunning performance he gave! He became Idi Amin), but I am somewhat shocked at how little recognizment James McAvoy got out of the film, considering what a solid interpretetion he gave. Nicholas as a character, actually, was surprisingly well-developed for a fictional character in a movie based in real events, and it was rather an interesting point of view.

As I said, this movie's just really, really powerful - it strikes a chord, of sorts, and I ended up suitably traumatized and shaken but pleased. Another surprising detail: The photography was quite beautiful. And let us be shallow for a moment: Mr. McAvoy looked all sorts of good. *cough*

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