domingo, 19 de agosto de 2007

Cielo parcialmente nublado

I saw Sakuran last, uh, Thursday, I think, and I kept on forgetting to write about it for some reason. It's a pretty straightforward film, girl fights adversity only to find true love at the end, but it was pretty well executed, and the cinematography was just about brilliant, made entirely of bright, vibrant colors and contrasting colors. The music was pretty good, too, really jazzy with hints of bossa nova, rock, electronic pop and tango, which aren't at all what one expects to find in a movie set in the samurai-ruled Japan. Even though logically I know that an Oiran is nothing like a Geisha, comparations with Memoirs of a Geisha are instinctically made, because it has somewhat the same plot (young girl is sold! Girl fights through adversity only to become the best at what she does! Girl finds love! AND all while wearing Kimono!), and really, Kiyoha has ten times the guts and will to live meek Sayuri ever had. She's quite an amazing character, too, because she's childish and selfish and capricious and has quite a modern-day approach of life for a woman living as a whore in the Tokugawa era Japan. So yes, a very pretty, very nice movie, even if not a master piece.

And then, after yesterday's cinema fiasco (which was really a hard blow for me, because Amores Perros is one of my favorite movies ever and seeing Guillermo Arriaga going so low as that [en el hoyo y siguiendo cavando, como decimos por aquí] was downright depressing for the state of today's Mexican cinema) I just had to go see something decent. I chose the movie well.

I saw The Painted Veil, and my, but what a lovely, enchanting movie. First off, I loved the characters, the movie did a great job of developing them into kind, loving people that can be completely horrid at times - they're mean, and petty, and childish at times, and I loved it. A right battle of wills. And then the setting was gorgeous and while my dad is right and there was much more to be done with the photography because the landscapes were just stunning, it was still gorgeous, and the time frame helped it somehow. And then the plot was awfully interesting and well done and the ending had me tearing up a bit. I honestly tip my hat off to both Edward Norton and Naomi Watts, they gave wonderful perfomances - completely believable, and their accents were top-notch (or at least they were to my uneducated ears). Ah, it was just nice to see something good enough to restore my faith in the film industry.

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