martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

...lluvias pobladas? No me acuerdo.

An old entry I forgot to actually post. Originally dated July 14th and posted now for the sake of thoroughness.

I'm watching Howl's Moving Castle right now, and really, now that I think about it, the Potter movies really do fare well as book adaptations go, I mean -- as enchanting as Miyazaki's film is (because it's Miyazaki, and he can do no wrong in my eyes), it's nowhere near the sheer awesomeness that the book is (then again, HMC is one of my favorite books, so...). Howl isn't nearly enough of an asshole, Sophie isn't nearly enough of a nosy bully and the With of the Waste isn't nearly enough of an evil bitch. That's not ever saying anything about Michael suddenly being turned into a six year old in desperate need of Ritalin and the scarecrow being all happy-happy, and the way they pulled a World War II-esque plot out of their asses and DID I MENTION THERE'S NO DRUNKEN, RUGBY PLAYING HOWL WHICH IS SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT?

Er, now it sounds like I hate the movie, don't I? No, I do like it, it's got fantastic music and a lovely feeling to it that makes me smile and smile and well, Miyazaki did wanted to turn it into a more him movie, instead of a Diana Wynn Jones one.

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